Hannibal’s Crossing Chiusi della Verna 2023
Hannibal’s Crossing Chiusi della Verna 2023
The best sport event of the year… Can you hike the Sacred Mount? Italian championship FIOCR, Battle of Ticino: 3+km/15+obs; Hannibal's kids mini (6-9 years old) 1.6km/10obs Information and registration: https://hannibalcrossing.com/hannibals-crossing-chiusi-della-verna-2023/?fbclid=IwAR3dDWRefJ372aNfpmtyS6OL24YiH0LzYMqKciTUW8kB1qoXMV3xi8_Fs3E Rates: 10K_ASS-AGE 80 euro; 10K_OPEN 60 euro; 3K_ASS-AGE 60 euro; 3_OPEN 50 euro; kids 20 euro