Exhibition of carved stone
This centre aims to study, document and hand down the heritage linked to stone and its working, which has had such an influence on the evolution and economy of the Solano Valley and the Casentino in general.
The route consists of four stages:
– Genius loci, dedicated to landscape, traditional works of everyday life and local imagery;
– Medioevo di pietra (Stone Middle Ages), in which working methods and interpretative criteria of medieval archaeology are presented;
– Gli scalpellini di Strada in Casentino, with artefacts and evidence linked to the history and work of stone masons;
– The art of stone today, showing how this craft continues to develop and be handed down.
Finally, a workshop allows visitors to try their hand at stone chiselling with traditional tools and interact with the educational furniture.
For more information:
Tel. +39 340 293 2121 – +39 334 613 3793
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