The Park Planetarium
The Park Planetarium
The planetarium reconstructs, inside a room with a special dome, the night sky as we would see it outdoors, in a place far from the annoying city lights.
By playing with the sky sphere, and simulating space-time movements to discover the boreal sky in the various seasons, it is possible to recognise the constellations, the motions of the stars, the moon, the sun and the planets, and to learn how to orient oneself with the stars.
During the winter months, the activities of the Park’s Planetarium are mainly dedicated to school and non-school groups, and the facility is open by appointment only. In March, the informative evenings begin and continue throughout the spring and summer months on a monthly and/or fortnightly basis.
In July and August, the evenings are complemented by night excursions for direct observation of the sky.
The educational activities are entrusted to specially trained astronomers and are calibrated to the degree of learning of the students, with the possibility of using the Centre throughout the course of study with subsequent deepening of the topics.
Primary schools:
– Orientation with the Sun and the stars.
– Mythology of the zodiacal and non-zodiacal constellations. Let’s invent the constellations.
Secondary schools:
– The apparent motion of the night sky
– The measurement of time through the motion of the stars
– The measurement of time through the motion of the Sun and the phases of the Moon.
– The calendar and the sundial in the darkroom
High schools:
– The apparent motion of the night sky
– Measuring time through the motion of the stars
– The measurement of time through the motion of the Sun and the phases of the Moon.
– The calendar and the sundial in the darkroom.
– History of astronomy from Ptolemy to Galileo
– Galilean observations
The Planetarium, which is located close to the historical centre of Stia, can be included as a didactic proposal in wider environmental education projects, with a visit to the National Park or to the town of Stia and its museums.
In addition, it is possible to carry out personalised educational projects based on a choice of activities from among those proposed, and on the construction and use of instruments for measuring time and orientation.
For further information
Coperativa Óros
Tel. +39 3356244537
Parco Nazionale delle Foreste Casentinesi
Information Office +39 0575/503029
promozione@parcoforestecasentinesi.it – www.parcoforestecasentinesi.it
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