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Ecomuseum of Vallesanta

The Vallesanta Ecomuseum is one of the most recently established ecomuseums. A working group made up of local administrators, schools, associations, new and old inhabitants has come together in the Vallesanta Ecomuseum Association to create a community map. The valley experienced a heavy exodus after the Second World War, but in recent years, there has been a counter-trend with the arrival of new inhabitants.

The ecomuseum thus aims to bring together old and new generations to build a future community.

The Vallesanta Ecomuseum is to be considered widespread throughout the territory, but it also has specific points of reference, such as the school in Corezzo – the beating heart of the project, where meetings and workshops are held, the Mercatale an exhibition space for events promoting local knowledge and production, and the Narciso granary in Frassineta –  a small permanent exhibition gathering evidence of the Valley’s material culture.

For more information:

Tel. +39 338 3027194

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