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Castle of the Conti Guidi of Poppi

It is one of the most famous monuments in the Casentino area, belonging to the powerful Conti Guidi family. The structure of the castle, as we see it today, dates back to 1274, and can be attributed to the architects Lapo and Arnolfo di Cambio.

Poppi belonged to the Guidi family until 1440, when it came under Florentine rule.

Inside the castle you can visit 10 rooms including the prisons, the Rilliana Library (rich in manuscripts and ancient volumes), the Sala delle Feste, the Chapel with frescoes by Taddeo Gaddi and the room with the model of the Battle of Campaldino, fought at the foot of the hill on which the castle stands on 11 June 1289. You can also climb to the top of the tower, under the belfry, to enjoy a wonderful view of Poppi and the valley.

The ground floor houses the central information point of the network of Casentino Museums and Ecomuseums: information materials and publications, as well as a selection of videos made by the Poppi Media Library-Memory Bank.


For more information:

Piazza della Repubblica, 1

Tel. +39 0575 520516 –

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