Italian Centre for Fine Art Photography
Located in Bibbiena, the capital of the green Casentino, the Italian Centre of Fine Art Photography is housed in the town’s former prison, a nineteenth-century building of particular historical interest that has been specially renovated for its new use. The Centre, strongly supported by the FIAF, is the driving force behind cultural initiatives in the field of archiving and preserving photographic heritage, producing exhibitions, teaching and creating photographic events.
In the premises of the old prison of Bibbiena, in fact, there are more than 30.000 photographic images, collected, catalogued and adequately preserved: testimonies of great photographers of the past and productions of well-known authors of the present, such as Gianni Berengo Gardin, Piergiorgio Branzi, Mario Cattaneo, Enzo Cei, Elio Ciol, Mario Cresci, Mario De Biasi, Pietro Donzelli, Ernesto Fantozzi, Stanislao Farri, Ferruccio Ferroni, Franco Fontana, Mario Giacomelli, Mario Lasalandra, Pepi Merisio, Nino Migliori, Fulvio Roiter, Giuliana Traverso, just to name a few.
The Italian Centre for Fine Art Photography was conceived with the aim of avoiding the dispersion of the most significant production of Italian authors, and articulates its activities according to a plan that envisages multiple functions:
– identification and acquisition of photographic material from individual authors or private collections
– cataloguing, restoration, archiving, conservation and study of the works of the fund owned by the FIAF and any other deposits
– use and enhancement of the collected images through the creation of exhibitions and publications; organisation of events, conventions, meetings, debates and conferences
– management of the “Great FIAF Exhibitions” and other significant exhibitions
– programming of educational initiatives (seminars, courses, internships and workshops) aimed at reading and evaluating images, interpreting historical photographic periods, illustrating traditional techniques and promoting new digital techniques
– creation of a specialised library and a multimedia archive
– management of promotion and development activities directly related to photography, and services to organisations and institutions.
In the past 15 years, about 60 photography exhibitions, about 15 workshops, a photography campus, 5 national projects and 15 photography festivals have been organised.
Italian Centre for Author Photography
Bibbiena (Arezzo), Via delle Monache, 2
Tel. +39 0575 1653924 – Cell. +39 349 2335011
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