Panno Casentino
The wool industry is certainly one of the productions that has most marked the Arno Valley. Known since ancient times, thanks to the abundance of raw materials and the driving force of water, indispensable for operating the factories, it enjoyed a happy period in the second half of the 19th century. During this period, a special fabric was developed, known as PANNO CASENTINO, whose main characteristics are the typical ‘curly’ surface finish and the bright colours of orange and emerald green.
Originally created in the Middle Ages as a ‘rustic cloth’ worn by monks and mountaineers, and used by coachmen to cover their horses, in the nineteenth century, Panno Casentino became a fabric appreciated by famous people such as Giuseppe Verdi, Giacomo Puccini and actresses of the calibre of Audrey Hepburn. In the traditional colours of orange and green, Panno Casentino is characterised by a ‘curly’ finish given by a special treatment known as ‘ratinatura’. It is thanks to this curl that a double layer is obtained, allowing the fabric to provide perfect thermal insulation and efficient waterproofing, while at the same time maintaining the transpiration of the skin.
Today, Panno Casentino is a symbol of elegance and refinement and is used by the most important Italian designers for high fashion garments.
For further information and insights
Museo dell’Arte della Lana
Via Sartori, 2 – 52015 Pratovecchio Stia (Arezzo)
Tel. +39 0575 582216 – +39 338 4184121 info@museodellartedellalana.it – www.museodellalana.it
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