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Tuscany Bio Tour

Crossed by the largest river in Tuscany, the Arno, Casentino is rich in forests of chest- nut, beech, oak and fir, trees that together make up the natural heritage of the Casen- tinesi Forests National Park, whose forests are a UNESCO world heritage site.

Casentino is a land of ancient traditions that are still alive today thanks to craftsmanship, such as the famous “Casentino cloth”, a woollen fabric with unmistakable colours, such as the classic orange and gre- en. Also of note is the wrought iron and stone work.

The gastronomy offers simple but tasty dishes, recipes of shepherds that refer to transhumance, such as scottiglia or acquacotta; peasant dishes such as potato tortelli and then cheese, ham, honey and the unmissable chestnuts. –


Municipalities that have joined the project:

Bibbiena, Castel Focognano, Chitignano, Chiusi Della Verna, Montemignaio, Ortignano Raggiolo, Poppi, Pratovecchio Stia e Subbiano


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