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Parco Nazionale delle Foreste Casentinesi

Hundreds of kilometres of paths to find peace, surrounded by one of the most beautiful forests in Italy: the Foreste Casentinesi National Park overlooking the Casentino valley.

Anyone can benefit from a ride surrounded by silence and natural beauty, culminating in breathtaking landscapes. For the more adventurous, the paths on the ridges will take you to unique places and unforgettable views.

To discover all the itineraries of the Foreste Casentinesi National Park, visit


Always carry with you the complete map of the park trails, download PNFC trekkingmap.

Have fun!

The Oia Valley

Papiano – Casanova – Giocarello – Cascian Oia – Papiano A suggestive itinerary in the Oia Valley, a place where you will discover history and traditions. In fact, along

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