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Cuisine: between products and experiences

Casentino is a land of straightforward, intense yet delicate flavours. Its food and wine heritage will represent the tasty side of your trip. It is an enormous treasure that you will have the pleasure of experiencing, along with its art, forests, history and craftsmanship.

Things to know, to taste and to buy:


The red potato of Cetica D.O.P.,cultivated in Casentino since the early nineteenth century, is still produced using traditional techniques and is very important in the preparation of typical dishes such as tortelli, gnocchi (“topini”) and stews.


Casentino Grey Ham, a Slow Food presidium, is produced from the grey pig, obtained from a particular cross between ancient and large white breeds, and reared in the wild.


The Pecorino Abbucciato, whose name derives from the characteristic skin that, with the seasoning, leaves a darker and more resistant patina on the whole edge of the slice. 


Tortello alla Lastra. Worth the journey, it is only made in Casentino. It is the result of a popular Casentino tradition that takes us back to the past, when tortello, made from simple and poor ingredients, was cooked on a large stone placed in the fireplace. Hence the term ‘lastra’.


Pratomagno and Casentino Chestnut Flour is a sweet, light hazelnut flour, very finely ground. It is the main ingredient of  Castagnaccio or Baldino, a typical recipe of Casentino rural life, born of the farmers’ need to find food during autumn and to survive the long winter: a simple cake with a flavour somewhere between sweet and savoury, made with chestnut flour and enriched with pine nuts, as well as walnuts and rosemary. 


If you are cycling or trekking in the Foreste Casentinesi National Park, remember that it covers an area of 368 square kilometres, and the trails are in the middle of the wilderness. Therefore, we suggest you organise yourself well, with water and good food.

Enjoy your walk, your ride and your appetite!

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